Jail Volunteer Program

Jail Volunteer Program
The Jail Ministry Volunteer Program goes hand in hand with the Adult Jail Ministry. Specially trained and compassionate volunteers go into the jail to visit and provide bible study with those who are incarcerated.
There are nearly 100 volunteers who share their time and talents by providing visits to those who are incarcerated at the Linn County Jail. Volunteers visit either daily, several times a week, weekly, or monthly.
Bible Studies
Bible studies that are conducted during the week are named according to the day attended. Below is a list of the current services provided by the Jail Volunteers:
- Monday nights-Monday Night Bible Study.
- Bible studies that are conducted on Sunday are named church services.
- AA – Alcoholic Anonymous
- NA – Narcotics Anonymous
- Celebrate Recovery
Volunteers (Bible study, AA, NA, Celebrate Recovery, one on one visits) provide moral and godly support. There is no room in the guidelines for any other services.
From the Jail Volunteer Coordinator
The definition of change is to make or become different. This is what Christ does!
Men and women at the jail continually share the work of Christ in their lives. I hear the testimonies of the women during our one on one visits and at the Monday night Bible study. I read the letters that Chaplain Dave shares with me of the men whose lives have been touched with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Volunteers also share with excitement the progress of an inmate. However it’s worded, the transformation that happens in the life of a person speaks of the glory of God and the finished work of Christ.
Lamentations 3:22-23, “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” A faithfulness that loves unconditionally and forgives as far as the east is from the west. A devotion to His creation to give mercy, grace, compassion, long suffering, gentleness, meekness and goodness. Creating peace, joy and comfort to the troubled soul.
It is the Spirit of God that fills the poor in spirit, mends the brokenhearted, rescues the captive, heals the wounded and gives sight to the blind – Luke 4:18.
As volunteers, we have been given the great opportunity to watch what God can do! God has opened the door and every month 119 volunteers walk through the doors of the Linn County Jail to make a difference. We are a team reaching the many individuals in a personal way. Listening, caring, praying and being there to learn and share from God’s word. Since September of 2009, I have been a volunteer conducting the Monday night Bible study for women.
As the volunteer coordinator at the Linn County Correctional Center, my job is assisting and supporting the volunteers and helping those who are interested in becoming part of our team.
Nelly Morrow, Volunteer Coordinator
Complete the volunteer form below and we will have the appropriate person contact you!
Additional Services